The Round-up Fine Art Show is a juried art competition, open to all Utah artists age 12 and older, sponsored by the Lehi Arts Council. This annual event, as part of the Lehi Round-up City Celebration, showcases the tradition, strength, and variety of art within our community. Entries in the following media categories will be accepted: painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, ceramics, and sculpture. There is a limit of 3 entries. All accepted 2-D artwork must be framed, wired for hanging, and ready for display.
Entry deadline: June 2, 2010
Accepted artworks received, 5-8 pm: June 16
Youth division: 12 - 18 years old
Adult division: Over 18
Nonrefundalbe entry fee for Adult Division: $15 each piece
Art Show: June 19 - 26
For more information contact Linnie Brown at
An entry form with more information can be picked up at Provo Art & Frame.