Discover all the techniques you need to know to create beautiful oil paintings
with Robert Moore, John Loughlin, Michael Obermeyer, Anita Hampton, William Schneider, Tom Swimm, Caroline Zimmermann, Kevin Short, Frank Serrano, and William F. Powell
This compilation of projects from some of our most popular How to Draw and Paint and Artist’s Library series titles provides inspiration and instruction on every aspect of oil painting. From the fundamentals to advanced techniques, The Art of Oil Painting is filled with information that artists of all skill levels will find useful. The contributing artists are all acclaimed for their particular styles and approaches to oil painting, so there are countless lessons you can learn from their individual and distinct perspectives. And the step-by-step demonstrations guide aspiring artists through the oil painting process using a wide variety of inspiring painting subjects—so there’s something for everyone! With this comprehensive reference, you’ll soon discover how exciting painting in oil can be.
(144-page paperback, 9" x 12")Back to List of Oil Painting Books
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